Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hello World!

I was recently bitten by the blogging bug. You can blame business lunches or my buzzing brain, but I'm definitely ready to scratch this itch.

A little about me: By day, I design web applications, manage projects, and support clients for a small internet start-up. By night, I satiate my brain by reading my fill. The ultimate goal is to merge my day and night selves with a job in publishing.

A little about this space: I’ll be focusing on style and substance, reviewing new books and revisiting a few old favorites. While I’m mostly interested in YA fiction, there will be some adult and nonfiction palate cleansers. Anything with words is fair game.

I'm writing up posts, reading everything I can get my hands on, and doing it right the first time around. Bear with me while I get my bearings, and watch this space for more!

Yours in cyberspace,

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